Your Horoscope This Week: August 22, 2021

Illustration by Stefhany Lozano
The fourth week of August opens up with a second full moon in Aquarius, and while the dog days of summer might be behind us, the stars are shining bright even as the storm clouds are still gathering. 
August 22nd isn’t just the day of the full moon, it’s also the day that Mars in Virgo makes a trine to Uranus, which has only recently begun its retrograde transit under the ever patient stars of Taurus. There’s definitely something to discern under these stars about willpower and flexibility, about learning to recognize how we need to adapt the methods we brought with us to attend to what's in front of us. 
“The old way wasn't working. So it's on us to do what we gotta do to survive,” said Gemini Tupac Shakur in “Changes'' decades ago, and our Gemini North Node echoes the call, making a trine to Venus in Libra, a position that values justice, and Saturn in Aquarius, a position that recognizes the collective dream. Mercury’s opposition to Neptune on the 24th might have us sweating the small stuff, and it’ll take great spiritual power to remember a fish is born to brave the ocean alone, and yet is also part of a school. Mercury’s trine to Pluto on the 26th can offer up a remedy to all this, a reminder that valuing the power we have takes energy — especially in a world that conditions us to give it away to those more powerful rather than applying it in unison.

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